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A Cherokee View of High Finance
I read in the papers that Donald Trump lost over a billion dollars in nine years. Of course I mean that Donald Trump, the one who sold his business acumen as a qualification to be president when he had no relevant education or experience. The only place I could find this out was in good old Fake News, because Trump won’t even let Fox see his tax returns.
Some people claim he was exaggerating his losses to avoid taxes when he started making money. The Republicans have starved the enforcement part of the Internal Revenue Service for so long they don’t have enough people to go after an obviously incorrect return that will not bring in money to the government if exposed.
Obviously incorrect return? Well, yeah. Here’s a billion dollars. Here’s a match. How long will it take you to burn though it? Warren Buffett, you may recall, set out to give away that kind of money and gave up. He said it was too hard, so he farmed out the task to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where they could work on it full time. Mr. and Ms. Gates, unlike Mr. Trump, started their charitable foundation with their own money….probably more money than Trump ever had that he didn’t get from his daddy.
Talking about money at that level brings to mind back in 2012, about the time the government was deciding we had so many cheating banksters that putting them in jail…