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A Question for Trump Defenders
Have you finally changed your mind about the exclusionary rule?
Please forgive my presumptuousness when I assume you look at legal issues from the conservative side of the Bar. I suppose I should explain that assumption, since it could really upset anyone wrongly caught up in it.
I recognize there has been a major brain drain from the GOP since Donald Trump’s coup, and most of the brain trust that distanced themselves from the Party of Trump self-identified as conservative.
Some opposed budget deficits. Some could not countenance Mr. Trump’s obsequiousness toward Vladimir Putin at Helsinki — that had to be humiliating for older Republicans who came up in a GOP that led the charge against the Soviet Union, formerly Russia’s alter ego.
Most of the well-known Republicans who have bailed still call themselves conservative, e.g. Joe Scarborough, Max Boot, Erick Erickson, David Frum, George Will. All of these people have high profile conservative credentials and there are many more like them.
I am thinking those who have stayed in the GOP fold must still be on the political right or they would not put up with what Trump has been doing to the federal courts. Trump’s requirement for conservative bona fides has overwhelmed education and experience for these…