Member-only story
Big John Cornyn v. The Pilot
Does it Require Courage in Congress Merely to Cast a Vote?
Moscow Mitch McConnell (R-KY) does not allow bills to come to the floor without the votes to pass and sometimes with the votes to pass — it is in this latter obstructive function he calls himself “The Grim Reaper.” McConnell’s rationale is to protect senators from having to take “hard votes” that will be in thirty second ads and require more than thirty seconds to explain. Cornyn, nicknamed “Big John,” has been McConnell’s Whip, first in the minority and now in the majority. Cornyn is also Chair of the Senate Narcotics Caucus, from which position I presume he will not own current U.S. narcotics laws. If he does, he’s incompetent and, if he doesn’t, he’s ineffective. I would prefer the latter.
I voted for John Cornyn once for the Texas Supreme Court, in spite of knowing that my judicial philosophy and his exist in different dimensions. At the time, I was a sustaining member of the Democratic Party and an elected official wearing the Democratic brand. My choice of party label was based on philosophy, not political duress. (I’ve been an Independent for over ten years now.)
I’d do it again, given the same choices. The Democrats put up one of those rip-off artists who lurk around the main gate of military installations and overcharge GIs for routine legal matters. They are fixers, with…