Comparing Mayor Pete to the current occupant of the office, I find myself convinced that Mayor Pete differs in that he would not hesitate to seek advice and follow it. I trust him to have the skill of picking among expert opinions.
I’m on the record in a couple of places saying that if one of the geezers is nominated for POTUS — and all three leaders are geezers — the nominee needs to pick one of the up and comers as VP and, if elected, give the VP a substantial portfolio of responsibilities. It would not break my heart to see Mayor Pete in the VP slot.
I’m expecting Booker to make a move in Iowa and perhaps to give it up if his efforts in Iowa do not bear fruit. Klobuchar appears to be making her geography argument and I would be more inclined to pick a horse as between Klobuchar and Booker if I knew how much of her total resources she invested and what she bought. I hear Booker has a coordinator in every county and that he’s deeply enough invested that there will not be much left. But that’s OK. If the urban black guy wins in rural white Iowa, there will be plenty of money for New Hampshire. FWIW, Booker is legendary at retail politicking and that skill tends to pay off in Iowa.
Klobuchar is no slouch, but I just have no clue about her overall strategy or what she’s doing in Iowa. I have a source on the ground who has gotten no attention from the Klobuchar campaign but has been both door-knocked and called by Booker’s outfit. She is for Biden but Booker is her second choice now. As you know, second choices can be a big deal in Iowa.
If Booker is a sleeper candidate, so is Kamala Harris. She just needs to survive until South Carolina. If she can beat Biden there or come close, she can make it to Super Tuesday and try to cash in her home field advantage in California. Beto and Mayor Pete appear to have some organization in California. I’m not sure who else might spoil her party or if there’s any degree of hammering in South Carolina that would get her out.
You are right about getting interesting. I don’t drink anymore, but I’m stocking up on popcorn.