For my entire life, I have been working on "The Stack." Sometimes I buy a book knowing it will just go on top of The Stack because I know enough about the book that I want to "vote for it."
That's how I acquired a hardback copy of The Satanic Verses. I knew Salman Rushdie by reputation snd I had read some of his short stuff and the death penalty for writing a book seemed to me a bit much. Of course, the Nazis cut off the heads of Sophie and Hans Scholl and Alex Schmorell for writing....a leaflet.
When The Satanic Verses got to the top of The Stack, I quickly determined that I would not be able to finish it unless I needed to prepare a lecture. It's not awful writing like Mein Kampf.....I'm just not engaged by the story.
However, I do not regret buying the book. Voting against the death penalty for writing it was important.