Thank you for your response, and I do agree with your last remark. This is not a game, although Mr. Trump plays to win each news cycle and this version of day trading served him well…until it didn’t.
Tempting as it is to represent Mr. Trump with a snake — particularly for those who hitched their political wagon to the Trumptrain — I’ll stick with the Wooly Mammoth. While you are correct that Mr. Trump does not hew to principles that enable a political argument, one thing is predictable. His self-interest is the One Ring to Rule them All.
Because his self-interest has to tack with the political winds, he has shoved so many people under the bus that space is at a premium. I mean, for example, this is the dude who sent a screaming mob to assassinate his Vice President for refusing a direct order to violate the law.
You are right about his ophidian hiss, but what about the clatter of his enablers? Without them, he would pose little danger. He captured a political party that enables his antics and it’s what’s left of the party that needs a mark, a brand — ironically, the only part of business where Trump is a success.