Thank you for your thoughtful remarks. Not having followed the links you offer yet (but I will), I must say at the outset I am skeptical that there is any legislative remedy for presidential overreaching.
Mr. Trump has the disposition of an autocrat and he was made aware of the political science dispute about the "unitary executive." I do not think he understood it because he lacks the command of political science we try to require of undergraduates. Remember his claim that Article II means he can do anything?
In the case of a POTUS with his inclinations, the problem is not so much the law as it is keeping him within the law. It appears to me we have weathered this close call---if we have when all the chips have not yet fallen---because of a few institutions that held firm with their associated customs: civilian control of the military, an independent judiciary, and a free press. All three crumbled at the edges when Trump attacked all three but, so far at least, the center has held.