You are right about the limitations of resumes.
I would argue that a “minimal qualifications” resume is necessary but not sufficient.
I confess I was taken in by one line on Mr. Trump’s alleged resume. I thought he was a graduate of the Wharton GRADUATE School of Business. My bad — I did not even know that Wharton offered undergraduate degrees.
The reason I find his lack of a graduate education significant is based on having taught at both levels. At the time Trump (and I) were undergraduates, you could buy your way through. Testing security was lax and buying papers written was common practice.
But when I’m teaching a graduate class and there are maybe half a dozen of us seated at a table in a conference room and everybody has to make their own presentation and critique everybody else’s, there is no place to hide.
I’m well aware that we’ve had perfectly fine presidents who didn’t go to college. I was just thinking about how to avoid the Trump debacle.